Seychelles Entrance & Exit Requirements for Visiting Yachts
If you're thinking of joining us in paradise and been wondering what the Seychelles Entrance & Exit Requirements for Visiting Yachts may be, then you have come to the right place! We have a put together a handy guide to give you a complete overview of the entry and exit requirements not only for your vessel, but your captain, guests and crew too.
Whether you're a seasoned world-travelling sailor or its your first time sailing into foreign waters, it can be a daunting task figuring out all the requirements and protocols expected of you when visiting a country for the first time. So if you're thinking of sailing into Seychelles and wondering what are the entry / exit procedures, as well as customs laws and regulations, then we are sure that this handy guide will answer your questions and concerned. What's more, once you've made your booking with us at Eden Island Marina, you could always follow up with our friendly team to ensure you have taken the right steps for your arrival into Seychelles by yacht or super-yacht.
DISCLAIMER: Please note this article serves as guide only. All information contained within is only valid at date of publishing. It is your responsibility to ensure that you remain well informed of any updates to these laws and requirements. You can find out more on the following websites: Seychelles Immigration, Seychelles National Ports Authority and Seychelles Tourism

Their are various port-of-call options for yachts visiting Seychelles, however Port Victoria on Mahé Island is recommended for ease and affordability. Under special circumstances, the islands of Assumption, Farquhar and/or Desroches may be substituted as an alternative port of entry or exit. However, this comes at a great expense as it will be at your cost to charter a private plane and fly all necessary officials out to one of these islands to conduct clearance procedures. Expect to pay upwards of USD 10,000.00 for the cost of return chartered flights.Entrance into Port Victoria by Sea
All vessels visiting the Seychelles Islands are advised that Port Victoria is the only official Port of Entry/Exit of the Seychelles and must therefore call at Port Victoria, Mahé Island to carry out all Health, Port, Security, Immigration and Customs formalities upon initial entry into Seychelles or upon ultimate departure for a foreign port.Boarding and Clearing of Yachts on Arrival

Boarding is usually carried out at anchor. Yachts arriving at Port Victoria will exhibit ‘Q’ flag and remain at anchor in the outer harbour until they have been cleared by the Port Health Authority, Customs, Immigration Officials and Port Security Officer. The Entomological Department of Ministry of Health requires yachts to be sprayed on arrival. The ‘Q’ flag will be lowered only when free pratique has been granted. Coordinates of the correct anchoring zone at Queenie Bay are: LAT - 04 Degrees 37.665 Minutes South and LONG - 055 Degrees 28.120 Minutes East. Port Control can be contacted 24 hours a day on VHF Radio (Channel 16), to be notified of your arrival
Report of Arrival at Port Office (Mahé Quay)
When free pratique has been granted, yachts may enter the inner harbour and proceed to an allocated anchorage as directed by the Port Authority. Within 24 hours of arrival (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays), the Owner/Master will report to the Port Authority Accounts Department at the Mahé Quay and complete the ‘Report of Arrival’ form, submit one copy of crew and passenger lists and lodge the Certificate of Registry for his yacht. Access to and from the Port Authority office block must be via the Port Security Gate, Latanier Road. Other Government Ministeries/Departments may request for additional copies of crew and passenger lists. It is recommended that at least 10 copies of such lists be prepared in readiness for officers boarding. Customs and Immigration formalities must also be complied with.

Immigration Clearance Procedures for Captain & Crew on Arrival

Responsibility of the yacht’s master: The master is responsible for the members of the crew and all persons arriving on board the vessel. He/she shall notify the Department of Immigration office in Victoria, in writing, in the event of any member of the crew/person leaving Seychelles.
IMPORTANT: If any of your crew or guests are arriving by Air Travel, please read this article to prepare.
Guidelines during the yacht’s stay in Seychelles
During the yacht’s visit, it is most likely that a visit to the other islands of Seychelles will take place. It is advisable to contact the Port Authority (VHF Channel 16) to advise on all visits to other islands beyond Mahé.
Crew extension of visitor’s permit
If your stay is to be longer than the period allowed by a given visitor’s permit (as stamped in the crew’s passports), it is necessary that an 'extension of visitor’s permit' is sought. An application for extension of visitor’s permit can b obtained online here or is also available at the immigration office at Independence House, Victoria. The passports and the completed application forms are to be submitted to the Immigration office before expiry of the visitor’s permit.
Other persons joining as crew
In the event that other members of the crew are expected to join the yacht during its stay in Seychelles: in order to facilitate their entry into the country, it is necessary that the master of the yacht informs the Immigration office (in writing), prior to the arrival of those expected crew members. If new crew are arriving by air, please read this article.
Members of the crew leaving the yacht to stay onshore
Should any member of the crew wish to leave the yacht to be accommodated ashore, the master is to promptly inform the Immigration office (in writing). The person’s passport, return airline ticket (if applicable) , proof of accommodation and proof of funds to cover his/her period of stay in the country are required. Should the master also have to leave the yacht for any reason, the Immigration office and the Port Authority are to be notified of the arrangements made for supervisory of the yacht during such absence.

Departure: Exit Procedures for Yacht's Leaving Seychelles
All vessels bound for a destination outside of Seychelles shall obtain Port and Customs Clearance before leaving harbour. (Also note: all foreign-owned pleasure craft shall, when leaving for a destination within Seychelles be subject only to a Local Port Clearance, and must notify Port Contro on VHF Channel 16)- The Master of the yacht should call at the Immigration office with the passport of the members of the crew or other person(s) leaving with the yacht and notifies of the departure date and time. (between 06.00 – 18.00). An immigration clearance letter is issued to be handed to the Harbour Master in order to initiate Port and Custom Clearance formalities. Such Port Clearance shall be obtained upon payment of all Harbour Dues accrued before leaving Port Victoria. (Formalities for outward clearance by Immigration, Customs and Port must be conducted during normal working hours viz 0800 - 1200 and 1300 - 1500 hours Mondays to Fridays.) . Note that some of these organisations may require one full working day's notice to process an application for departure/exit.
- The yacht is to be anchored at the Coast Guard vicinity: All yachts when leaving for a foreign port will have to proceed to the following position LATITUDE O4˚ 37.65’S LONGITUDE 055˚ 29.00’E next to the Seychelles Coast Guard Jetty. This is in order to collect up their fire arms, spear guns etc and at the same time the Seychelles Coast Guard will inspect the crew list and passports before being given permission to sail. An Immigration officer will board the yacht one hour prior to the departure of the yacht for final departure formalities.
- The yacht shall depart Victoria within the hour and no person other than the Coast Guard or Port authorities shall be entertained aboard the yacht. The yacht shall proceed to its next destination and is not permitted to make any stop over at any Seychelles island unless for emergency purposes. In the event of such circumstances the Port authority is to be notified immediately as per normal radio practice. On the way out, the yacht is not to entertain any other person on board.

We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide to Seychelles Entrance & Exit Requirements for Visiting Yachts and that the information provided will assist you on planning your dream sailing adventure to our our little slice of paradise!
Remember, when you are looking for a world-class berthing solution, that Eden Island Marina has a reputation for being the best in Seychelles and beyond. With a high standard of services and facilities, an ideal location at the heart of Seychelles and all the convenience of Eden Island a short stroll from your berth, Eden Island Marina can't be beat!
Feel free to contact our friendly team today to discuss securing your vessels perfect home away from home - click here to chat.

More Resources to Help you Plan your Seychelles Adventure
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Discover our marina and facilities to assist you with making an informed decision when choosing your base in Seychelles and planning your perfect trip! Our world-class facility . . .